
Showing posts from June, 2021

RESIDENTS DEMAND A NEW HEARING FOR THE RADICALLY REVISED ZTA 19-07! (Imposes Cell Towers Near Homes-With No Minimum Setbacks!)

Sweeping amendments have drastically altered the scope and legislative intent of the original ZTA To: ALL MEMBERS OF THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY COUNCIL The County Council worked very hard during the COVID-19 pandemic with an emphasis on transparency and communication to protect the health and safety of residents in ALL County neighborhoods. Now, as we emerge from this Pandemic, we urge the entire Council to continue that spirit of leadership, communication, and transparency by conducting a new public hearing before the Council takes up formal consideration of ZTA 19-07, Telecommunications Towers ― Limited Use . The first hearing was more than 20 months ago. Changes m ade by the PHED Committee in 2021 have drastically altered the scope and legislative intent of the original ZTA , and if enacted, those sweeping amendments will eviscerate resident and neighborhood zoning protections that the sponsors already seek to substantially diminish through the ZTA itself. The 2021 changes that were mad...

Can you please speak up for your community today? Send a message to your Montgomery County Council members today.

  The Montgomery County Council is considering a bill that would cut crucial safeguards against 50 foot tall cell towers and allow them to be installed 30 feet from our homes with no notice to the public. A key Council committee has decided to move this bill, Zoning Text Amendment (ZTA) 19-07, even though cell tower radiation safety standards were created 25 years ago, long before anyone thought these cell tower antennas could be installed next to bedroom windows. [1] This huge giveaway to Big Wireless will also hurt local property values. All of this is occurring as ATT, Verizon, and T Mobile show no coverage gaps for 4G and 5g service. [2] That’s why we’re counting on concerned Montgomery County residents like you to reach out to the Montgomery County Council to say NO on ZTA 19-07 . We can do better! We can’t let the Council rush through this ordinance — but we can stop it if Council members hear directly from voters. Send a message to your Montgomery County Council members tod...

SUMMARY OF ZTA: Montgomery County Council Poised to Vote on Radical ZTA 19-07 – IMPOSES CELL TOWERS NEAR HOMES – WITH NO MINIMUM SETBACKS!

Below is a summary of many major provisions of Zoning Text Amendment 19-07, as drastically revised by the Planning, Housing, and Economic Development (PHED) Committee in March, 2021. Please wait for document to load within the PDF viewer. Download File PDF Loading... Below is the actual revised text of ZTA 19-07 as released by the Montgomery County PHED Committee. Please wait for the document to load within the PDF viewer. Download File PDF Loading... Contact Montgomery County Leaders e-mail * phone * tweet Council President Tom Hucker 240-777-7960 @CmHucker Councilmember Andrew Friedson Andrew.Friedson@montg...

Project WTF: STOP THIS SHIFT — Eliminate Wireless Telecommunication Facility Subsidies and Reject ZTA 19-07

Make WTF industry fees fully self-supporting, without diminishing protections for Resident Taxpayers. Say NO to ZTA 19-07, which portends adverse impacts on Resident Taxpayers. Please wait for document to load within the PDF viewer. Download File

Watch Now! Project WTF: Antenna & Cell Pole Litigation Underway

Make no mistake, antenna and cell pole litigation is indeed underway! The video mentions the appeal of the FCC’s 2018 Small Cell Order. That case is now closed, as the Supreme Court on June 28th, 2021 — Just after the video was made — declined to review that appeal, to which Montgomery County was a party. However, as the video explains, while that appeal was pending, the FCC released two additional Orders that splintered off germane issues, which brought further, widespread litigation, including by Montgomery County. And the video discusses that active litigation. Pending before the USCA D.C. Circuit is Environmental Health Trust et. al. v. Federal Communications Commission ( ), which features Montgomery County residents in the key roles of petitioners’ Counsel, party of record, and signatories to amicus briefs, among them City of Takoma Park councilmembers and its mayor. Pending before the USCA Ninth Circuit is City of Bost...